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A successful events strategy

John C. Dunn

Updated: May 20, 2020

If strategy is about defining what future success looks like and how to get there, what makes up a successful event strategy?

The most successful organizations and leaders have two key characteristics in common: 1) they ask the right questions and listen for the answers, and 2) they are self-aware and are always seeking to learn and develop.

In the event setting, the most common approach to developing strategy is to look at what others are doing to develop a scope of work for a strategy project. Before you embark on this time-consuming and costly process, ask two critical questions:

1) Who are we and where are we now as an event host?

2) What do we want to become?

These questions, and more importantly the fully developed responses will help to define the problem and provide insight into potential solutions. This will also be a better use of time, goodwill and money than creating an event strategy serves as nothing more than expensive art for your shelves.

If you determine that an event strategy is the next step in your maturity as an event host, follow these steps:

· Why – Can you articulate why events are important to you and why others should choose your destination?

· Where – Define the venues or places that events can be staged so they are contributors to the economic, social and sustainability outcomes for your destination.

· When – What are the times of year that you are trying to drive business?

· What – Build out what customers can expect from an event in your destination.

· Who – Get the right people at the table from the start so they can help create a rising tide.

· How – The “how” is about hosting and the standards you set for every event in your destination.




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